Gephi maps exhibited at the International Design Biennale

affiche_last2-187x300 The Saint Étienne International Design Biennial, holding from 20 November to 5 December, is a unique event in the domain of design, due to the exhibitions shown as well as the diversity of its attendees. The Biennial democratizes design and makes it accessible to all kinds of audiences, proving that this creative discipline can take many forms, and is often driven by human aspects, including its uses by humans.

The theme of the 2010 biennial is around teleportation. It intends to explore paths of discoveries that will tend in their extreme expression to lead to a possible teleportation as the dematerialization of movement which appears to be an incredibly revealing notion of our era.

Sebastien Heymann will exhibit maps of designers’ conceptual world, placed at the center of the “Prédiction” exhibition. Made in collaboration with Benjamin Loyauté, curator of the event, these inscriptions are a proposal to reveal the state of knowledge sharing in Design today.

Useful information on how to come here.


You may contact Sebastien by email to appoint a meeting during the first weekend.

Ten free tickets will be given to the first comments of this post!

EDIT: photos are available on the Facebook page of Gephi.


  1. Sure I am one of the Gephi users who work the closest to International Design Biennale event (often I go through the hall in the morning). I would be very happy to see Sebastien’s maps, and even more if it is thanks to you.


  2. Hello – this is fabulous! I am in Avignon and can’t wait to check this out. What day will the Gephi team be on site that first weekend?
    Hoping this teleportization theme extends to psychogeography or something in that realm…
    (Enthusiast of Gephi and all things network graphing)


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